After the Beauvechain meeting I took a ride across France heading to Béziers, the city where Electro Magnet Speaker is located. I wanted to meet Michel and Kathy Fertin in person and visit the famous fullrange drivers workshop. Also having the car full of Closer Acoustics stuff, my goal was to present my application of EMS drivers in the “Lion’s cave”, to obtain feedback and advice from the living legend of the full range drivers in France – Monsieur Michel Fertin. First of all, I had a very good drive from Belgium to South of France, listening to the radio France Culture, which is fantastic and now back in Poland I realized it can be listen to via Internet app. Béziers is a city located on the river Orb and Le Canal du Midi, which in itself is a big point of interest.

Unfortunately, I had only one day, so it has to wait for the next time.
As it turned out it was one very long and intensive day. We had a nice chat about the drivers and the way they are being built and assembled. Mr Fertin was talking about what makes a difference of these drivers and showed me the workshop.

It is indeed manufacture where the family works and makes those wonders. The coils are winded in house.

Electro magnets or field coils - spécialité de la maison - are home made too.

The paper cones are all weighted and matched in pairs.

A cone with its suspension

Here a magnet of the LB5 Classic prepared for assembly with the slot for coil covered with tape to keep it clean from any dust and especially from metal dust.

The aluminum frame for the LB5 on the ferrite magnet.

The membrane of the LB5 with the suspension ready to be glued to the frame.

The LB5 but this time in field coil version (EX) with the membrane already glued in. The difference in size between the classic and EX version clearly visible.

And Kathy glues the cones manually and taking care each one is made with quality.

The drivers ready to be packed.

Then we had a time for listening to the music. I was very happy to know that friends were invited on the occasion of my arrival.

and inspecting our work :)

The 300B Provocateur with yellow ladybug to bring luck.

(Thank you David for this photo) We are in France and among friends, so a good meal in the middle of the day is a must. In the restaurant Les enfants terribles in Bésiers. Kathy is taking the photo…

The fish soup in the program – “Soupe poisson maison”

and another fish – on the plate – “Daurade royale grillée en persillade et son accompagnement”

After the lunch back to the auditorium for another visit of music lovers and Fertin full range drivers aficionados.

Two hours of listening of different kind of music. Selected covers…

I think the audience, liked very much the sound of Closer Acoustics set up. During this visit I had time at the very beginning and at the very end to listen to all drivers manufactured by Electro Magnet Speaker in different kind of cabinets.

Mostly transmission lines.

different sizes …

but also a bass reflex here with LB 12 EX

What I need and have to admit that Mr Michel Fertin is a Master of the fullrange driver. Each driver I was listening to was excellent. It is then the matter of application and the cabinet construction, but the quality is all there, and whichever you chose for your application, if you make it right you will enjoy the sound and the music for a long time. Starting from the masterpiece of LB12 down to the little wonder of LB5 all are marvelous. So, after all day in the workshop I was invited to the homes of friends of Fertin family… And… Wow … look at this… A full system for home cinema all built on EMS drivers. Five LB8 (two behind not seen on the photo) – four in transmission lines and one center speaker in onken type cabinet plus subwoofer with 15” bass driver. This was number one…

but then I was invited to another family for a dinner and after the dinner… we came down to the basement or a man cave to see and listen to this…

The LB 5 in little transmission line cabinets…

and then to the big system with two LB12 in open back cabinets

with 350 Liters Onken cabinet equipped with 15” Fertin bass driver…

It was still the same day… and ‘round midnight we moved to another friend’s house to enter another super cave… If one 350L Onken is not enough and you like really big bass then.. add another one…

and enjoy the music :)

Yes, it was a fantastic day and a great experience. Thank you my friends for this kind reception. I felt like home from the first minute and I miss it since I left, so get ready… I’ll be back !!!