Closer Acoustics introduces its new modular loudspeaker system "BLOCKS," designed for flexible configurations using interchangeable components like BOBs, OKHO, and BLANK. The system builds on over ten years of experience with wide-band drivers to tailor sound to various room acoustics and personal tastes. OKHO, the newest addition, is meant to work alongside BOBs to provide a versatile bass foundation that can be enhanced or modified depending on the setup. Multiple configurations are possible, allowing users to choose between a fast, detailed sound or a more relaxed, full-bodied tone. Enhanced connectivity and component integration ensure the system adapts to both small and large rooms while delivering consistent performance.
We will present well tuned little system comprising the VIGO loudspeakers in EX specification, which means with the excellent EMS LB12 EX field coil fullrange drivers. It will be an absolute premiere. The Vigos will be driven by our Single Ended integrated tube amplifier 300B provocateur.
Closer Acoustics Eva reviewed - CA Slug closer-acoustics-eva-reviewed/ Meta description preview:We have our first review :) Editor in chief of Magazine, Mr Wojciech Pacuła has written his observations after listening to Closer Acoustics
WiMP with Korba turns Adam on! - CA Slug wimp-with-korba-turns-adam-on/ Meta description preview:A lot of music at your fingertips. Under your remote … Enough to swipe a few times iPad’s screen and the music is on. Even to much of a choice. It reminds m
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